Jumat, 12 Desember 2008

Kajian Wanita - Dikti 2008: Muted Group dalam Keluarga Pekerja Migran Perempuan (Studi Emik Kasus di Kota Salatiga & Sekitarnya)

Calon TKI/W sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris di SDN Glawan.

Calon TKI/W sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris bersama tim peneliti di rumah salah seorang peserta

The condition of migrant workers is getting worse because of the poor preparatory training. Their poor educational background, which is rooted back from their childhood, results in low bargaining position. There is a notion that they do not decide for themselves what education suits them, but social and cultural values influence and dominate them. Their rights to voice their intention to continue education are impeded by the stereotype and subordinated by their families and society.

Thus, research on social cultural domination on migrant workers in terms of education access becomes necessary. The domination pattern and exploitation fact on the migrant workers could emerge on their in-group communication pattern. Communication pattern amidst the community members in migrant workers supplier territory could be one of the precious clues to trace. In communication occur many message transfers which provide us evidence of devaluation of migrant workers’ education access.

This research is an emic study with gender perspective that also implements muted group theory. The theory is employed to scrutinize migrant workers’ education access marginalization and delegitimation. Emic study certainly is a participatory research and therefore, this study focuses on the pattern of dialog about education in the family and society.

This research is to find out how those migrant workers’ lack of space to express themselves in terms of educational matters. They got many influences from family and society which hampers their desire to continue education. Finally, those interventions emerge as a dominant argument in the education communication pattern.

Keywords: Migrant worker, muted group, low education access, communication pattern.

Research Team:
Mustika Kuri Prasela, S.Si
Anita Patricia, S.Sos.

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